Yasmin Cassar


The President of MHSA coordinates all MHSA events and initiatives, ensures the overall well being of the Faculty of Health Sciences’ students and is MHSA’s primary spokesperson.

Yasmin is a third year Nursing student. After completing a Bachelor’s in Psychology she decide to pursue her second degree in Nursing to further enhance her knowledge in healthcare. In her free time, she can be found reading a good fantasy novel or volunteering as a Girl Guide leader in her local community.


Kurt Axisa


The Vice President handles all human resources of MHSA. They take care of recruitment and internal affairs along with database and records management for the organisation.

Kurt is a third year medical physics student who's serving his second term as vice president. He enjoys collecting vinyls and learning new languages; but he will not stop talking about his course


Roberta Muscat

Secretary General

The Secretary General ensures smooth functioning throughout the organisation and is the main point of contact for all offices. There is also the responsibility of ensuring all meetings held by MHSA are well organised and minuted.

Roberta is a nursing student who enjoys spending her time with friends and baking cookies when she’s bored. She joined MHSA to push initiates to bring the different courses of the health science faculty together.


Amber Micallef


The Financial Officer safeguards MHSA’s finances by taking care of sponsorship and liaising with the team regarding financial management.

Amber is a nursing student, during her free time she enjoys nature, reading books, meeting her friends and singing to unwind


Naim Spiteri Naili

Education Officer

This office is responsible for educational events outside of the lecture rooms. Whether this is via campaigns, workshops, or infographics, the educational officer aims to provide useful and insightful material to the Faculty of Health Sciences’ students.

Naim is an occupational therapy student, he is currently completing his second course at UoM. He made the decision to become more proactive in students politics and join MHSA as he felt strongly about creating more student connections both for educational and social purposes


Bianca Termine

Media Officer

This office takes care of communicating with the public, primarily through media. This entails branding, marketing and effective promotion of events whilst keeping all social media accounts active. The running of MHSA’s official website also falls under this office.

Bianca is a nursing student who enjoys motorcycles (a little too much), music, movies and tv shows, reading and volunteering with Cub Section of her scout group


Mathias Gonzi


The Social Policy Officer is in charge of representing MHSA in social policy meetings and writing up policy papers on various topics and current affairs.

Mathias is a nursing student. He loves expanding his knowledge on a number of subjects, whether that is history, philosophy or politics. He enjoys gaming with friends and reading the odd book here and there. He has a passion for emergency care and intends to work there when he graduates


Rachelle Falzon

Health Officer

This office takes care of promoting health to the general public, representing students within the Faculty of Health Sciences through health-related events, and health checks. These are carried out all over the island, allowing students to use and develop their skills outside of University.

Rachelle is a third year Nursing student with a love for emergency care. In her downtime, she enjoys hanging out at the beach with her dog and reading a good book.


Elenia Spiteri

External Affairs Officer

This role entails organising, planning and collaborating on external events such as Freshers’ Week, Science in the City and Notte Bianca amongst others.

Elenia is a nursing student, who enjoys going on walks with her dog, swimming and spending time with nieces and nephews
